If you are an immigrant in America, you will know first-hand that it is not easy to fight for and live the American Dream. To achieve the life you want in America, you will probably have to work long hours while also providing for your children, all while you wait for a decision on your visa application.
If you are facing deportation or dealing with ongoing obstacles to get the opportunity to live permanently in the U.S. without fear, you may be feeling like you are slowly losing hope. But there are many reasons to keep going. The following are some ways to keep up your hopefulness and keep fighting for the dream that you want so much.
Think about how far you have come
When you are going through struggles, it can be so easy to think about how much you have left to achieve before you will feel satisfied. While this may be true, you should also take the time to think about how far you have come. You have probably overcome so many things to get to where you are now, and taking the time to reflect on everything you have achieved so far should make you feel proud.
Take action in small ways
When the future seems daunting and the path looks long, sometimes the best thing you can do is split up the tasks into small actions that take seconds. For example, the task of avoiding deportation or getting a green card may seem overwhelming, however, the task of simply picking up the phone and contacting an immigration expert is something that will take you minutes.
Have faith in yourself
Instead of trying to find your source of hope out in the world, focus on having faith in yourself. The fact that you are in the U.S. right now shows that you are determined and resilient.
Make sure that you assert your right to reside in the U.S. by understanding immigration law and taking early action.