Knowledgeable Guidance Through Consular Processing
People abroad who seek to live or work in the United States can apply for a temporary or permanent visa at a U.S. consulate in their home country. Consular processing is a complex process, and the processors usually read your information quickly. As a Los Angeles consular processing lawyer, I can help you create a persuasive packet to the consulate so that your visa is improved.
Do you need guidance through the consulate process? Contact the California Law Offices of Gita B. Kapur and Associates with an experienced Los Angeles consular processing attorney. Call toll-free at 866-643-8852.
Waivers Of Grounds Of Inadmissibility
People attempting to obtain a visa or green card through a consulate may face a difficult challenge if they are deemed to have certain grounds of inadmissibility. These may include previous deportation, certain criminal convictions and other immigration violations.
If you have criminal convictions, it is more difficult to get legal status through a family member. You may be eligible to ask for a waiver (or pardon) for your crimes through post-conviction relief. There are several types of immigration visa waivers, but the most common are the 212(h) waiver and 212(c) waiver. At the Law Offices of Gita B. Kapur and Associates, we handle both kinds of immigration waivers on a regular basis and we know how to prepare them competently. If you need legal help from an immigration attorney with a waiver because of a criminal conviction, do not hesitate to contact us to schedule an appointment.
10-Year Bar
If you are here illegally for more than one year, there may be a 10-year bar to your reentry not only into Los Angeles, California, but also the entire United States. Once you leave the U.S., it triggers a 10-year bar that can only be overcome by showing an extreme hardship to your qualifying relative(s). We will help you prepare the documents necessary to help you reenter the U.S.
Provisional Waiver
Please click on the link to the right, for information on the new Provisional Waiver law.
Immigration Waivers Lawyer In Los Angeles
Contact me toll-free at 866-643-8852 or send me an email. My legal services are competitively priced, and I offer payment plans to clients in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, including Long Beach, Pasadena, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Ana, and Palmdale who qualify.
We speak a variety of languages to ease the process for our immigrant clients, including Spanish, Hindi, Punjabi, Zapotec, Armenian, and Urdu.
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