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Why do asylees come to the United States?

Why do asylees come to the United States?

On Behalf of | May 26, 2021 | Immigration

There is a close relationship between refugees and asylees. Both are generally trying to flee some type of negative situation at home and seeking safety in the U.S. The key difference is that refugees are typically in camps outside of the U.S., while asylees may be at the border or even already in the country when applying for this protection. 

It’s clear that this is a group that searches desperately for the type of safety and security America can provide. Why do they come here and what are they trying to leave behind? 

Avoiding persecution and serious ramifications

Generally, asylees are trying to flee from persecution in their homelands. The government or specific groups at home may have threatened to harm them or their families, and they may believe they’re in danger of losing their lives. They see no alternative other than trying to get to a country where such persecution is illegal. 

While persecution may look much different from one case to the next, the general categories that these cases fall into include persecution over:

  • Political opinions
  • Race
  • Nationality
  • Religion
  • Social group membership

For instance, someone may speak up against what they feel is a corrupt government and then worry that the government will actively try to harm their family as retaliation. In the United States, people are allowed to have very different political opinions without this fear. 

What do you need to do?

If you’re looking for refuge and safety, make sure you know what steps you should take. Seeking sanctuary in the United States could be the solution you have been seeking. Working with an attorney can help you protect your future.