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Coronavirus pandemic demonstrates DACA need

Coronavirus pandemic demonstrates DACA need

On Behalf of | Jun 22, 2020 | Firm News

The pandemic has made people realize how important certain jobs are to our society. Many people in those jobs are Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.

The crisis demonstrated the need for DACA workers. Many of them are medical professionals and teachers.

Frontline workers are at risk every day

There are over 650,000 DACA recipients in America. Of those, over 200,000 are on the frontlines battling the COVID-19 pandemic. The Center for American Progress estimated the number DACA workers on the frontline.

That includes:

  • Food-related workers. 142,100
  • Healthcare aides/workers. 8,500
  • Healthcare technologists/technicians. 6,000
  • Medical practitioners and diagnostic professionals. 6,400
  • Registered nurses. 3,400
  • 14,900

Challenges may still be ahead, even after a recent Supreme Court decision

DACA started as a way for people brought to this country as children to defer action against them for two years. It safeguarded them against deportation and made them eligible for other programs if they met requirements.

The American Medical Association estimates that over 200 dentists, doctors, nurses and medical students are DACA recipients.

There have been efforts to end the program. A recent Supreme Court decision blocked the most recent attempt. The future of the program is still uncertain. The decision does not prevent future attempts to stop DACA, but the explanation of why the program end it must be clear.

Renew your DACA status and be prepared

The need for skilled workers continues and so does the debate. There are an estimated 200,000 DACA recipients living in California.

If you are a DACA recipient, stay informed and prepared. Even with the high court’s decision, you are advised to renew in the program. Contact the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service for renewal and contact legal experts who are well versed in immigration law.