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Immigration For Victims Of Crime

Los Angeles T-Visa Attorneys

En Español

The Law Offices of Gita B. Kapur helps immigrants and their family members obtain immigration benefits when they are the victim of criminal activity. If you or a family member has helped or are willing to help police or any other authority with the investigation of a crime, contact our Los Angeles T-Visa attorneys or U-Visa lawyers because you may be eligible to receive immigration status.

Los Angeles T Visa Lawyer & U Visa Attorney

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 created two new nonimmigrant visas for noncitizen victims of crimes, the T visa and the U visa. Both visas are designed to provide immigration status to noncitizens who are assisting or are willing to assist authorities investigating crimes.

Are you the victim of crime? Contact the California Law Offices of Gita B. Kapur with an experienced Los Angeles T and U visa attorney. Call toll free at 866-643-8852 or contact us online.

Los Angeles U-Visa Lawyer

The U visa is designed for noncitizen crime victims who:

  • Have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse from criminal activity;
  • Have information regarding the criminal activity;
  • Assist government officials in the investigation or prosecution of such criminal activity;
  • The criminal activity violated U.S. law or occurred in the United States (including Indian country and military installations) or the territories and possessions of the United States.

Your abuser does not need to be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, and you do not have to have been married to the abuser to be eligible for a U visa. You are not required to be physically present in the U.S. to qualify for a U visa. You can apply from abroad as long as the criminal activity violated U.S. law or occurred in U.S. territories.

There are only a limited amount of U visas granted per year. If you are granted a U Visa you can remain in the United States for up to four years. After three years, you can apply for lawful permanent resident status.

Los Angeles T-Visa Attorney

A T visa allows victims of human trafficking and immediate family members to remain and work temporarily in the United States as long as they assist government officials in the investigation or prosecution of the criminal activity. Like a U visa, under a T visa you can remain in the U.S. for up to four years.

Immigration for Battered Spouse

If you are a victim of spousal abuse you may be eligible for residency through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Victims are eligible to self petition for residency without the batterer’s permission or knowledge.

Battered spouses may also be able to achieve special rule of cancellation for battered spouse. Talk to experienced immigration attorney Gita Kapur to see if you qualify.

Contact a Los Angeles Immigration Visas Attorney for Victims of Crime

Contact me toll free at 866-643-8852 or send me an e-mail. My legal services are competitively priced, and I offer payment plans to clients in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, including Long Beach, Pasadena, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Ana, and Palmdale who qualify.

We speak a variety of languages to ease the process for our immigrant clients, including Spanish, Hindi, Punjabi, Zapotec, Armenian, and Urdu.

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